Nailing Your Tone of Voice


In honor of National Grammar Day, I’m talking all about establishing the tone of voice for your brand. Your voice communicates your style and personality to potential customers. While you want to write engaging copy to clinch those leads, readers will be drawn to you by how you present that copy. There are as many ways to present yourself as there are brands, so focus on what makes your brand stand out.

Here are three ways to nail your tone of voice:

  1. Outline

    The first way to start narrowing done your tone of voice is to define your brand. Outline your brand beliefs, purpose, and ideal client. Be as specific as you can. Your tone should reinforce everything you wrote down. This will keep your tone and language consistent. Remember that your audience wants to see content that is approachable, reliable, and is relevant to their needs. Make sure to address these issues in your outline.

  2. Practice Makes Perfect

    At the end of the day, your voice represents you and your brand, and you want it to work.  You may find that your audience doesn’t engage with a style you thought they would. That’s totally fine! Take note and make adjustments. Give yourself a timeframe to experiment. At the end of that time, go over all your analytics to determine what worked, and what didn’t. Pay close attention to how you speak on video, how you present yourself in posts, use of emojis, anything and everything. Once you’ve done your research you can double down on the style that works.

  3. Be Authentic

    I know, I know. Every marketer in the world tells you to be authentic, but it’s true! Your clients want to work with you, so let them hear your voice! If you love using gifs, pop some in your messaging. If you go wild for puns, I for one will laugh along with you. If you prefer to keep messaging more formal, write formally. There is no right answer here. The best motivation to write consistently is to write about your passions in a way that feels natural to you.

    In the end, that’s your tone. It’s what feels best for you and your brand. Check-in with yourself before your hit ‘publish’: does your post feel natural, or does it feel forced? Is it something your audience wants to see and will find engaging? Remember, just as you are constantly evolving so, too, will your brand. It’s ok if your tone develops and changes over time.


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